Serve Indonesian dishes.
Indonesian Bali-style restaurants and bars in Kyoto.
Dining at SAYANG offers a very unique dining experience for everyone. You will be greeted, seated and served not only by waiters/waitresses but by professionals. Food is served in traditional coconut husks. We have an awesome bar counter that could…
Pada 21 April 1962 Bapak Bambang Sugeng selaku Dubes Indonesia untuk Tokyo saat itu meresmikan berdirinya Taman Pendidikan Indonesia di Jepang. Taman Pendidikan Indonesia di Jepang yang kemudian berubah nama menjadi SRIT. Nama Sekolah Republik…
Gamelan Bali di Nagoya
We are committed to using vegetables from farms owned by our company and contract farms for all our dishes. You can try whole grain rice that came straight from our contract farms. Sambals that are provided on each table are home made! Please give…